Sunny Side Up is our first “Hub Partner” which is what we call the groups that use Tyler House, not simply users of the space but investors in the ethos and sustainability of the Community Hub.

With an emphasis on fun and friendship, Sunny Side Up runs activities for people over 60 who wish to expand their horizons, learn a new skill and put some laughter back into their lives. 

Their Ukelele Group aka the Sunnysiders meets between 10am and 12pm on Mondays and their Computer Club between 2pm and 4pm on Thursdays. New comers will receive a very warm welcome.

Sophie Mansfield is the group’s founder:

We are delighted to be running these two activities at Tyler House. The central location is such a boon as most of our members walk or use public transport. There is plenty of  light and space plus great Wi-Fi which is so critical for our IT group. There is a well-equipped kitchen for the tea and cakes that are such an important part of our sessions and, joy of joys, there’s a dishwasher!

As well as new members, Sunny Side Up are keen to find more people to help them organise the growing number of activities that they would like to run. To find out more contact Sophie on 01789 268701 or